On the 5th day every month, the system checks for qualified members. Membership tiers depend on the accumulated points within the last 6 months up until the qualification.
- On 05 Nov 2016, the system checks for qualified members for the first time. From 05 May 2016 to 4th Nov 2016 (6 months), the total accumulated points is 50,000 points. So, in Nov, your membership tier is Gold2.
- On 05 Dec 2016, the system checks for qualified members for the second time. From 05 June 2016 to 04 Dec 2016, the total accumulated points you have accumulated is 10,000 points. So, in December, your membership tier is Silver3.
Special notes:
For Gold 3 and Platinum tiers, membership tiers are kept for one year since the upgrade.